Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So to keep our (well my) nerves down we decided to order a doppler (prenatal hear monitor)... i ordered it from an eBay store- so it is brand new- it wasn't too expensive and will let us hear the heartbeat whenever we want!!

I can't wait for it to come in!!

I have been feeling brutally sick this week- morning sickness like you wouldn't believe- this morning I had to come into work 2 hrs late because I was so sick I couldn't drive yet!! I have also been feeling really crappy from 8pm on and I have been dozing and lying in bed.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oooh -- the doppler is GREAT! We rented one, and I love it. Don't worry if you can't find it at first, though. I'm 13 weeks, and it takes a good five minutes to find it every time. :)