Monday, June 23, 2008

WOW... in week 16 :)

15 Weeks over!! In week 16! I can’t believe when this week is over I will be 4 months pregnant… woo hooo!!! I will post a pic as soon as I can!!

Sorry I didn’t post much last week… things were crazy busy with my sisters wedding… it was perfect though- we had an amazing time and her and her hubby looked fantastic!!

I have still been getting really bad headaches, and I almost fainted on Saturday while we were getting our pictures done… I am really lacking energy too! This morning I was pretty sick and still feel brutal- I really hope it passes!

Here are a few pics from the wedding:

The dress had to be loosened around the band b/c if not it was too tight around my belly :(

DH and I on the limo bus

My sister and new brother-in-law

The first dance
The cake

Here is whats happening in my 16th week:

Listen up: Tiny bones in your fetus's ears are in place this week, making it likely that the baby can hear your voice when you're speaking. And baby's busily boning up in other ways. For one, the backbone (along with the back muscles) is stronger now — strong enough, in fact, to enable your baby to work on straightening his or her head and neck even more. Baby's crown-to-rump measurement is about five inches in length, and weight is hovering around three ounces.
This little one's a looker — with a face that has both eyebrows and eyelashes — but a skinny looker since there's no baby fat yet. And here's the skinny on baby skin: It's practically translucent now, so if you took a peek inside your uterus, you'd be able to see your baby's blood vessels under that thin skin.

Monday, June 16, 2008

14 Weeks DONE!!

I am now in Week 15, holy WOW! I didn't get a chance to take a week 13 pic, but took a week 14 pic, posted below!

So the blood pressure has been acting up a bit, a few more dizzy, faint spells, but I am dealing with them... I also had a pretty bad headache Saturday and Sunday- but I had a little bit of coke and it helped BIG TIME!!

Saturday night and Sunday we spent with our families, it was really nice!!

This week is crazy so I might not post much- its my sister's wedding on Saturday- I can't believe its so close!!!

Our baby this week:

You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies master before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their trachea is filled with fluid rather than air. Babies practice breathing, sucking, and swallowing so that when they leave your comfy womb and move into your comfy house, they'll have the skills necessary to survive. Fetal body movements continue to get practice this week, too.

Although you've probably gained between 5 and 10 pounds**, the fetus weighs in at around only 2.5 ounces. It measures nearly 4.5 inches long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than the arms now, fingernails are fully formed and all the joints and limbs can move. You may be able to find out the sex of your baby by ultrasound now, since the external genitals may be developed enough that the ultrasound technician can tell you if you're going to have a boy or a girl.

**I haven’t gained near that- I am up 2lbs from the 10lbs I lost in the first 10 weeks.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

OB Appointment

I had an appointment with my OB today, it couldn't have come at a better time!

Yesterday I woke up with a headache and kinda felt like crap all day, I went for a dress fitting and got really hot and sweaty, apparently the colour drained from my face and I almost passed out... this happened 3 times. My MIL had to drive home. I felt a little bit better after eating supper, but it came back at later at night and the headache got so much worse. This morning I woke up with a pounding headache again- and i didn't sleep well :(

Anyways, I went to my regular OB appointment this morning and she said my blood pressure was really low, which is normal, and explains why I am feeling so crappy- she said to take it easy, eat more and regularly and to take it easy. In good news, she said everything came back great from the NT scan and the IPS. The baby's heart rate at the ultrasound was 160, and it was 162 on the doppler in her office today... I have heard that could indicate a girl :) We will find out the sex hopefully at my 20 week scan! My doctor also gave me a ton of reading material, hospital registration info and prenatal class information- its going to take awhile to get through it all. And the best news is she said now there is less than 2% chance of losing the baby- I feel such a relief!!

Tonight is my baby sisters university graduation party- I can't believe she is graduating... makes me feel super old, lol. I hope my headache lightens up by then, but I will be sure to take it easy tonight regardless.

Tomorrow night I am going to start walking with a friend in town who is also pregnant... I am looking forward to getting a bit of exercise- and their are very nice walking trails along the river in our town!

Monday, June 9, 2008

13 Weeks!!

I have now completed 13 weeks and am in my 14th... the 2nd trimester starts this week, I can't believe it... my pregnancy is 1/3rd over- WOW. I thought it would take forever, but time is flying!!

Here is what is happening in this 14th week:

This week, the baby’s neck begins to lengthen a bit and it can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb.. The digestive system practices moving food along the intestines and through the renal system and he can create and eliminate urine. He also continues to practice breathing the amniotic fluid in and out of his lungs. Your baby has tiny, soft nails on his fingers and toes, is growing . Also, your baby's blood is beginning to form in the bone marrow and blood vessels are beginning to connect various parts of the fetus to another. The joints and muscles allow your baby full body movement so your baby is able to move around. The baby's neck is getting longer and his chin is no longer resting on his chest. The eyes and ears continue to move into place. The hands are becoming functional and reflex movements often occur. Nourishment now comes from the placenta. Remember, some of what you eat and drink is getting through to your baby.

Here is a pic of DH and myself at a wedding we were at on Saturday... You can see my little belly in the dress. I was soo tired by the end of the night- I don't know how I am going to last at my sisters wedding in 2 weeks!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

12 Week Pic

Here are the pics taken at 12w4d:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

NT Scan today!!

I went for my NT Scan today... all went well as far as I know, my doctor will discuss the results of the scan and my b/w at my appointment next Wednesday.

When the ultrasound tech was trying to get all the measurements the baby was flipping and moving and not staying still for her, it was very cute to see!! I had such a wonderful tech who pointed out so many things for me, she showed me the sac, the fingers, the toes, the elbows, facial features, everything!! It was amazing!! I feel so bad DH had to miss it!

Although it was neat to see the baby dancing everywhere it was difficult to get a good picture- so below is the best we could get!!

I am so happy everything looked good and I saw the heart beating again!! I get to stop the progesterone now- WOO HOO!! They couldn't tell the sex today, its too early, but she said they should be able to by my next scan!!

DH and I found the heartbeat last night on the doppler, it was 147 bpm!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

12 Weeks!!

WOOO HOOO!!! I am officially 12 weeks... in my 13th week... what a sense of relief!! I am also excited that I get to see our baby again on Wednesday, I have my NT scan then!! woo hoo!

I am still trying to figure out how to upload the heartbeat on to here... so if anyone knows, let me know!!

Here is what's happening in this 13th week:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby's intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his or her abdomen. The liver begins to secrete bile and the pancreas is even secreting insulin! All twenty teeth have formed and are waiting under the gums, while your baby has begun to practice swallowing by taking in the surrounding amniotic fluid and pass it back in his urine. Your baby can smile and his vocal cords are quickly developing, too. He looks more and more human as his eyes move closer together and the ears are beginning to move to what will be their normal positions. The placenta and baby are about the same weight now. This week marks the end of the embryonic period. Most of the vital systems are developed now, and baby starts really growing, at times, growing as much as an inch this week.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Our Anniversary Weekend

Last week DH and I had our 2 year anniversary... we decided to go away for a night on the weekend to celebrate. We both wanted to get a few things across the border so we headed to Buffalo. It was really nice, I got a bunch of maternity clothes and a few dresses for some upcoming weddings. DH and I both got some shoes as well. We had a nice dinner at the Olive Garden and watched a movie in our room.

I was really surprised with how tired I got so fast... I love to shop and can generally shop for a long time without getting tired, but I was beat yesterday, and I was even worse shopping today. I am in bed now and exhausted and with a headache... but it was worth it, a very nice weekend.

We also bought the cutest onsie at target, it says "Born in 2008".

I am so excited that we will be 12w tomorrow... in our 13th week!! I feel such a sense of relief!!

A fellow nestie had her baby really early, please keep Trish and her baby in your thoughts and prayers!

11 week pic

I know they are late- but below are 2 pics taken at 11w4d.