Wednesday, June 4, 2008

NT Scan today!!

I went for my NT Scan today... all went well as far as I know, my doctor will discuss the results of the scan and my b/w at my appointment next Wednesday.

When the ultrasound tech was trying to get all the measurements the baby was flipping and moving and not staying still for her, it was very cute to see!! I had such a wonderful tech who pointed out so many things for me, she showed me the sac, the fingers, the toes, the elbows, facial features, everything!! It was amazing!! I feel so bad DH had to miss it!

Although it was neat to see the baby dancing everywhere it was difficult to get a good picture- so below is the best we could get!!

I am so happy everything looked good and I saw the heart beating again!! I get to stop the progesterone now- WOO HOO!! They couldn't tell the sex today, its too early, but she said they should be able to by my next scan!!

DH and I found the heartbeat last night on the doppler, it was 147 bpm!!


Ariella said...

Congrats on having a great NT scan!

Jill said...

That's great! I'm so glad it went well!