Wednesday, December 3, 2008

She is here... we are home! Life is perfect!

She has finally arrived and we are finally home!

I will post the whole birth story later, for now I just wanted to let everyone know Lily is here and she is perfect! She was born at 9:02am on December 2nd, weighing in at 7lbs and measuring 19 inches- which is bigger than everyone expected!!

Things are going great- I am really tired, haven't really slept yet- but that is ok- just running on adrenaline.

Here are a few pics of our baby girl:


Forever For Evie said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful! I love her hair! You're gonna have so much fun dressing her up and putting little bows and headbands in her hair! :)

FSD said...

Congratulations!!! She is so precious!!!