Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trip to L&D

So after my shower ended last night I was feeling kind of uncomfortable and sore, I figured it was just due to the long day... but then on the way home I started to get really sore and my belly was like a rock. By the time I got home I just wanted to lay down, but nothing relieved the pain and I couldn't get comfortable at all. I was constantly peeing, having brutal pains across my whole belly every few minutes and crazy pressure. I called my best friend and she headed over, I also called L&D and they said if it kept up for another half hour to head in. Well the pain just got worse and worse, so DH started to run around and pack a bag (which was on my list of to do's for this week). Once my best friend got here we decided to head to the hospital. We live about 40 minutes away and the pain was brutal, horrible! Every bump was worse than the last and I was in tears.

Finally when we were about 5 minutes away everything started to relax and didn't hurt as much, we got to the hospital, were admitted to the triage area and hooked up to the monitors. By this time my belly was much softer and then pain almost gone. The monitor showed some small blips, but other than that not much. When I saw the doctor he said it was most likely just false labor and he sent us home!

Hopefully that will be our first and last false alarm!!! But DH and my friends were amazing!!

Today I am tired and achy, so I am going to try to take it easier, we have to head to my aunts house to celebrate some family birthdays- but I will make sure I sit the whole time I am there with my feet up and relax. Before we get there we just have to stop at Sears and pick up a few things we didn't get at our showers that we need before Lily gets here- a change pad and a nursing pillow.

Another thing I have been experiencing the last week or so is absolutely brutal heartburn- it is horrible!!!!

I will update again tomorrow with how I am feeling.

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