Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ultrasound and Appointment!!

Today's ultrasound and appointment went pretty good! The baby scored 8/8 on her bpp, weighs around 4lbs, and her AFI is now at 90. The AFI has dropped a bit, which is expected, but its on the lower side. My cervix is still long and closed!

When I got to my doctors appointment I mentioned the pain in my butt and the cramping I have been having. She said they are just braxton hicks, and they will get stronger... which I am not looking forward to. I was up this morning at 3am with them, and with heartburn- I haven't been back to sleep since :(

Anyways Dr. O gave me some good/exciting news today... she has decided that since the baby is on the small side, and the AFI has been low and borderline that she is going to induce me at 38 weeks... which is 6 weeks from now, the first week of December! She said by then the baby will be better outside, get more nutrients, etc. I am so excited about that... she will be here in plenty of time for Christmas- which I was worried about!

I go for my next ultrasound next Wednesday, but not to Dr. O for 2 weeks! She will call if she has any concerns from the ultrasound!

I am so excited now!!! Here are some pics from today's ultrasound...

1 comment:

Jill said...

What a cutie! And how exciting that you have less than 6 weeks to go!