Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th... brutal

Today has been a really brutal day and its only 1:30pm. It started just before midnight when Lily threw up an entire feeding- All over me! She was up every hour or so all night wanting her beaka (soother) and she was coughing a ton. This morning when she wouldn't settle I tried to feed her and then threw up the little bit she ate. I found out yesterday that she had been exposed to strep last week, so I called the doctor just to be sure. The doctor said to bring her in right away and she would fit us in between patients. So I got us all ready to go, pumped really quick because I was in pain from a few clogged ducts (which still hurt). We were driving to the doctors office.... just about there, and then we got slammed from behind by a pickup truck. Lily is fine, her car seat is intact, and she didn't even cry. I am ok too aside from a pounding headache and sore neck. Once we finally got to the doctors she was checked over and Dr. M said she seemed fine from the accident and she was diagnosed with a really bad cold. She did a strep swab, but doesn't think that is it.

We are finally home now- Lily is ok, she ate a little bit and didn't throw it up. She is really stuffy and congested though- and her poor little cough breaks my heart! I am going to curl up on the couch with her and the cuddles make her feel better.

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