Monday, January 26, 2009

Not much is new

Lily is growing so fast, we are putting more and more outfits away as they no longer fit her. I can't believe how fast she is growing, but she is really turing into an adorably pudgy little princess!

She has started to smile for us- it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I love playing with her and having her look up and smile at me!

She is taking longer naps throughout the day, but doesn't sleep quite as long at night anymore- she generally sleeps a few 4hr chunks, but has decided she wants it to be play time at 3am... I try to put her back to bed, but she fusses for quite awhile and as soon as I peak in the bassinet she smiles- Its so hard to not scoop her up!

Here is a pic of her adorable smile:

1 comment:

FSD said...

Awww...Lily is such a happy baby!!! I wouldn't be able to resist the 3am play times either...especially with that smile. :- )