Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update from Doctors appointment today

I went to the doctors today for my regular appointment, for the most part things are good- the only thing of concern is that my placenta was lying low- she said its not common, but not entirely uncommon. She said not to lose any sleep over it, but just don't do anything too strenuous. I am going back for another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if it has improved.

I made the mistake of googling this- and it said no strenuous activity, no vigorous exercise, pretty much just take it easy. If there is any bleeding to call OB right away- as it could mean the placenta is tearing away from the wall. Also, if it doesn't correct itself it could mean bed rest, C-section, early delivery. BUT, 9 out of 10 cases correct themselves and everything is fine.

In other news I am now up 14lbs and in good news my blood pressure has gone up- which would explain why I am no longer getting dizzy all the time. She also gave me the all clear to fly until the end of September.

Non baby related- I found a small lump (the size of a pea) under my arm a few days ago, and my doctor checked it out today- she said it is most likely just an inflammation- because it hurts, generally if its something to worry about it wouldn't hurt. She said to keep an eye on it and if i notice any changes to call her or my family doctor. I feel a bit better about that!


1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey Stef! I'd be happy to send you a pic of the walls this weekend (as soon as I take one, lol). Could you post your e-mail address on my blog? I'll delete it as soon as I get it. :)